Explore New Skills!

Learn a new skill and enhance your life with a Voyager Kit from the Latah County Library District! These kits are geared toward adults and vary in required skill level.

Available Voyager Kits

Babysitting Kit.
Bicycle Tube Repair Kit
Bird Watching
Blood Pressure Kit
Braille for the Sighted
Card Weaving
Circular Knitting Kit
Cookie Baking
Electronic Keyboard
Jewelry Making Kit
Job Hunting
Kill A Watt Meter, Model P4400
Kitchen Skills
Knot Tying
Pickleball Kit
Portable Dvd Player
Portable Dvd Player and Dvds
Power Bank Solar Charger With Built-In Flashlight
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Sewing Basics
Stargazing Telescope for Adults and Advanced Kids
Stargazing Telescope for Kids and Beginners
Teen Conneciton Kit.
Ultrasonic Cleaner
VIrtual Reality Glasses
Yarn Swift and Ball Winder

Kit Rules

1.) Kits must be returned to an LCLD circulation desk. Please DO NOT return kits in a book drop.

2.) The patron checking out the kit is responsible for the timely return of the kit with all books and pieces.

3.) Any damage fees, or missing pieces associated with the return of the kit will be charged to the account of the patron who checked out the kit.

4.) The kit must be returned in its entirety all at once. The kit will not be checked in with missing pieces, unless the patron reports a missing piece.

5.) Please treat kit books as you would treat any other library book. Please do not mark in them, bend them, fold their pages or expose them to food, drink or any other type of moisture.

6.) Please do not attempt to repair damage to any kits, instead inform the library of the damage.