Registration Opens June 2!

Join the Latah County Library District June 2 – August 9 for a fun Summer Reading Program for all ages! Register at your local branch to participate in our reading challenge and join us for fun events! Our Summer Reading Events this year will be a combination of in-person performers (at your local libraries and throughout your community), in-person programs, passive activities & to-go activities.


2025 Summer Reading!

2024 Summer Reading has ended, check back in Spring of 2025 for details of our next Summer Reading Program.
In the meantime, check out other programs on our Event Page.

Past Summer Reading Programs

Have a look at fliers and videos from previous summer reading programs at the Latah County Library District!

Summer Reading for all ages—Join the fun with your local library this summer!

Our Summer Reading Program helps keep kids from falling victim to the dreaded “summer slide,” when children can lose important academic gains they made during the school year. Children enjoy skill-building activities, engaging performers and rewarding reading challenges to help them bridge the gap between months out of school while celebrating the love of lifelong learning.

But hey, Summer Reading is for adults, too! Catch up on reading while enjoying summer activities and relaxation. Summer Reading is a terrific way for families to interact around a love of reading. And adults who read provide a good model for their children.

Summer Reading FAQs

  • Visit your local branch of the Latah County Library District beginning June 10th and pick up a registration kit. Set your own goal for the summer. After reaching a challenge sign-post and completing a challenge come back in to the library to claim a milestone prize and enter to win grand prizes. You can find more information on how to participate at your local branch.
  • Track your reading for at least 10 days. After that, start working on your Bingo Card!

  • Check in at your local branch. You will fill out a grand prize entry ticket from the bottom of your summer reading challenge card and also receive a small incentive prize for finishing each challenge! The first day anyone will be eligible for the first challenge prize is June 20, 10 days after the start of summer reading.
  • Pick up a registration kit at your local branch of the LCLD which will include a summer reading challenge map. After setting a goal for yourself fill in a footprint each time you complete that goal. The library will not be collecting your tracking sheet or reading log but you will need to bring it with you to turn in your prize entry tickets at the bottom of your challenge map.
  • Nope! All summer reading events are open to the public! Check on social media or with your local branch for details on events, including the targeted age-group, location, and whether or not registration is required.
  • No. All you need to do is set a challenging goal for yourself and track it on your challenge map until you fill in all the footprints. You will also complete 3 special challenges. As you complete each challenge, fill out a prize entry form at your local branch for a chance to win fun prizes.
  • Yes!  As you complete each challenge, fill out the Prize Entry form at your local Branch for a chance to win fun prizes