We are honored to receive the ALA Libraries Transforming Communities Grant. Visit our Juliaetta page for more details.

Going fine free is one way many public libraries are working to create barrier-free, equal access to a world of physical and digital resources that support lifelong learning, early literacy, and leisure interests.

Fine Free FAQs

  • Yes! All overdue fines will be forgiven.
  • We know you’ll try to take good care of your borrowed items! But no, fees still apply to lost or damaged items and will be applied to patron accounts accordingly.

    You will still be responsible for Interlibrary loan fees and due dates set by the lending library (“Interlibrary loan” materials are borrowed from libraries outside the Valnet consortium).

  • The library will continue to issue reminders when due dates are approaching and when an item is overdue. Once an item is 5 or more days past the due date no other items may be checked out. Access to Overdrive/Libby, library computers, and Kanopy will be restricted until the item is returned, or paid for if lost or damaged. Holds and renewals will not be available on the patron side, but staff can still assist you if you contact us. If you’re late returning your library materials and feel the need to make up for it with a small monetary donation, we’re happy to accept your voluntary “fine” to put toward library collections and services! Our goal is to let you enjoy what you borrow from the library and then come back for more. We do encourage you to return your materials on time to allow other people to enjoy them as much as you did.
  • Most Valnet libraries are fine free.

    Items borrowed from, and returned at, Grangeville Centennial Library are subject to late fees.

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