Circulation Rules & Loan Limits

Check Outs & Returns

  • Please present your library card.
  • Library materials may be returned at any LCLD or other Valnet library, with a few exceptions. All LCLD libraries have an afterhours drop.
  • Patrons are responsible for the safe return of library materials checked out on their account.


  • Renewals are dependent on the type of item and whether the item is on hold for another patron. Please see the chart for specifics.
  • Renew in person, by phone, or online.


  • Holds may be placed in person or online, or by phone.
  • Items on hold are held for one week to be picked up.

Purchase Requests & Interlibrary Loans

  • Items not available through the Valnet library catalog may be requested for purchase, either online, in person, or by phone.
  • Two requests per month are allowed.
  • We can only honor purchase suggestions from Latah County residents.

Lost & Damaged Procedures

  • If an item is checked out for more than 45 days, its status automatically gets changed to “Long Overdue/Lost” and the library begins the replacement process for that item.
  • If an item is returned more than 90 days past the due date, the replacement price for the item will not be waived.
  • Fees will be forgiven for up to 3 damaged items per patron. All subsequent damages will be assessed by the Collection Librarians and charged to the patron account. Please see this fee schedule for the replacement costs of specific library materials.
  • The library does not accept replacement copies for lost or damaged materials.

Fees & Charges

The Latah County Library District is fine free, as are all Valnet libraries with the exception of Grangeville Centennial Library.
• Charges will be assessed for lost or damaged library materials.
• Patron accounts are restricted when an item becomes five days overdue. A restricted account blocks access to Libby or Hoopla, holds may not be placed, and items may not be renewed.
• When an item is 45 days overdue a replacement fee will be charged.
• Please pay all fees promptly. Your privileges are limited by unpaid fees and blocked when fees reach $5.00.
• Cards for new accounts are free. Library card replacement charge is $1.00.
• You are responsible for items checked out on your account, so please report lost or stolen cards immediately.

How to Use Your Account

  • Search the Valnet library catalog
  • Check your account, renew materials, place holds, create lists, make purchase requests, and manage account settings
  • Access digital resources purchased by the library using your library card number
  • Set up text and/or e-mail delivery of hold and overdue notices
  • Log in to your account with your library card number and your last name, with first letter capitalized. Instead of using your last name, you may create a different password. The same barcode and password combination is used to log in to your OverDrive account.
  • Patron accounts must be renewed every two years to stay active. You may visit or call the library to update your account.

LCLD Loan Periods and Renewals

Loan periods for items owned by other Valnet libraries may differ.

ItemCheck-out LengthLimit per CardRenewals
NEW Adult Books14 Days501
Lucky Day Collection14 days500
Books28 Days501
Magazines14 Days61
NEW Audio Books28 Days61
Audio Books28 Days61
NEW DVD/Blu-rays7 Days60
DVD/Blu-rays7 Days61
DVD/Blu-rays with over 10 hours of content14 Days60
Music CDs14 Days61
Playaway Audiobooks28 Days61
Book Club Kits42 Days20
Itty Bitty Brain Boxes28 Days11
Hotspots14 days10
Video Games7 days21
Other Kits28 Days21

Valnet Loan Periods and Renewals

As of 4/4/22 all Valnet libraries have standardized their checkout and renewal periods. Some specialty items may vary that are not owned by Latah County.

ItemCheck-out LengthLimit per CardRenewals
New Books14 days501
Lucky Day Collection14 days500
Books28 Days501
Magazines14 Days61
New Audio Books28 Days61
Audio Books28 Days61
New DVD/Blu-rays7 Days60
DVD/Blu-rays7 Days61
DVD/Blu-ray (Over 10 Hours of Content)14 Days60
Music CDs14 Days61
Playaways28 Days61
Book Club Kits42 Days10
Itty Bitty Brain Boxes28 Days11
Hotspots14 days10
Voyager Kits28 Days21

Lost and Damaged Materials FAQs

  • Please do not bring in a replacement copy for a book you lost. Cost is only one of several considerations for the Library in replacing lost or damaged materials; rather, our professional staff looks at collection needs in that subject area. In some cases the book is dated and can be replaced by a new edition, or the same title in a different format, or a new title by the same author that includes additional and/or more up-to-date content. It may be out-of-print. We may have received a recent donation of that title, and will use replacement funds to order another item that meets our collection needs. In addition to these considerations, librarians also look at the quality of the physical format to determine its suitability for long-term use.
  • Yes, you will be charged either the listed price of the item in the catalog or request through library staff to have the item assessed.
  • It means that an item was returned to the library damaged beyond normal, expected wear and tear. This may include tears to the cover, spills, tears, severe odor, water damage, or other injurie to the item. For kits with cords or many pieces it may also mean a cord or piece is injured beyond repair.
  • If you find damage in an item after you’ve taken it home, please call the library immediately so we can add a note to your account and place it on hold for repair.
  • If you return the item within 90 days after paying for it you can receive a refund minus a $5 processing fee.
  • We may not be able to replace only the lost or broken piece. Often with DVDs, Blu-Rays, and Audiobooks we are unable to buy individual discs. Additionally for kits we may not be able to buy just a single replacement piece depending on the kit. When charging for damaged items or incomplete items, the collection librarians do take this into account.