Family Book Club Kits

Explore New Worlds With Your Family!

Ever wanted to start a book club but had a difficult time finding enough copies for all your members? Latah County Library District’s book club kits are here to help!

Book club kits are available for check out to individual patrons in Latah County. Each book club kit contains 8 copies of the book (labeled 1 through 8), a discussion guide, and a checkout form so it’s easy to keep track of which book club member has which copy. If your club has more than 8 members, there are always more copies of the title available individually in our catalog.

To find discussion questions to accompany your book, look below for your selection’s BookBrowse page and then click on the Reading Guide tab located beneath the About this Book header. BookBrowse for Libraries is a service the Latah County Library District subscribes to and provides free to patrons. BookBrowse provides Critics’ and Readers’ Opinions, summaries, publication information and biographies on authors. 

Available Book Club Kits

Book Club Kit Rules

1.) Kits must be returned to an LCLD circulation desk. Please DO NOT return book club kits in a book drop.

2.) The patron checking out the kit is responsible for the timely return of the kit with all books and pieces.

3.) Any late fees, damage fees, or missing pieces associated with the return of the kit will be charged to the account of the patron who checked out the kit.

4.) The kit must be returned in its entirety all at once. The kit will not be checked in with missing pieces, unless the patron reports a missing piece. The kit will accrue late fines until all pieces are returned.

5.) Please treat book club books as you would treat any other library book. Please do not mark in them, bend them, fold their pages or expose them to food, drink or any other type of moisture.